Foundation Gala XV

Friday, June 27, 2025

Pavilion of the Two Sisters at City Park, NOLA

Thank you to our generous sponsors!

Gold Sponsors:  BWI, Clegg's Nursery, Saxon Becnel & Sons and LNLA.

Silver Sponsors:  Perino's Home & Garden Center


Bronze Sponsors:  All Seasons Nursery, Ball Seed Company, Bracy's Nursery, City Park Botanical Gardens, Doug Young Nursery, Ewing Irrigation, Gerald Foret Wholesale Nursery, Grass Roots Landscape, Healthy Community Services, LaCroix Nursery, Langridge Plant Sales, LAFBF Nursery Advisory Committee, Louisiana Growers, Metro Area Horticulture Committee, Poole Brothers Nursery WillowGrove Landscape and Windmill Nursery

Gala XV Reservation Form

Mr., Mrs., or Ms. __________________________________________________
Business Name (if applicable) _______________________________________
Email to confirm __________________________________________________
Yes, I plan to attend the LNLFSR Gala XV - Number attending _______

_____ Gold Sponsor (seats 24) - $3,600 3 premium tables, recognition in program, signage, & newsletter
_____ Silver Sponsor (seats 16) - $2,400 2 preferred table, recognition in program, signage, & newsletter
_____ Bronze Sponsor (seats 8) - $1,200 1 preferred table, recognition in program and newsletter
_____ Attendee - $150/person
_____ Additional / Other Contribution $________

_____ Please contact Cari Jane Murray about a named scholarship or research fund
opportunity with the LNLFSR.

Please respond by June 15. Make checks payable to LNLFSR.
Mail this Reservation Form and payment to:
Louisiana Nursery & Landscape Foundation, PO Box 1447, Mandeville, LA 70470

Credit Card purchases can be made by calling Cari Jane at 985-237-2939

For federal income tax purposes, only the excess paid over the value of dinner(s)
received is deductible. The fair market value of each dinner is estimated at $125.

Hotel recommendations: 

Marriott on Canal - This is where the Farm Bureau Convention will be held
le Pavilion833 Poydras St, New Orleans, LA 70112
Country Inn and Suites  (504) 372-0747
Last but not least if you're looking for a nice, convenient, and inexpensive place to spend a night.